Satoshi App x Glyph Exchange: 500,000 $OG Tokens Airdrop

Satoshi App
3 min readApr 5, 2024
Satoshi App X Glyph Exchange | $OG Tokens Airdrop

Exciting news for our Satoshi App community! We’re thrilled to announce an exclusive airdrop featuring $OG Tokens, in partnership with Glyph Exchange, the leading decentralized exchange for Bitcoin DeFi and Inscription-Fi on the Core blockchain. Here’s everything you need to know to get involved and make the most of this opportunity.

Airdrop Details:

  • Starts: April 8, 2024, at 00:00 UTC
  • Ends: May 8, 2024, at 00:00 UTC
  • Token: $OG Tokens
  • Total Amount: 500,000 $OG Tokens, vested over 6 months
  • First Distribution: 30 days post-TGE (Token Generation Event)

How to Participate:

Step 1: Open your Satoshi APP.

Step 2: Navigate to the “Projects” section.

Step 3: Search for “OG” in the search bar. You will see the Airdrop details.

Step 4: Start mining!

Don’t let this chance slip through your fingers. Mark your calendars, follow the guidelines, and be ready to dive into the world of Glyph Exchange with the $OG Tokens Airdrop.

About Glyph Exchange:

Glyph Exchange is the flagship DEX for Bitcoin DeFi & Inscription-Fi on the Core blockchain. The platform drives EVM liquidity to amplify Bitcoin-powered crypto asset trading, offering a dual-product stream.

On the Bitcoin DeFi product stream, Glyph Exchange leverages Uniswap V2 and V3 swaps combined with a Solidly (ve 3,3) bonding curve mechanism for DeFi essentials, enabling the construction of highly efficient and customisable liquidity pools. Glyph Exchange is dedicated to introducing the best composability of EVM-customized DeFi into the Bitcoin ecosystem.

In the Inscription-Fi sector, Glyph Exchange will introduce the native Inscription asset standard FairC-20 based on the Core ecosystem and integrate the Inscription Trading AMM along with the initial liquidity bootstrap mechanism. It aims to make automated Inscription trading possible, shaping Inscription assets into a new paradigm of crypto assets, and facilitating a cross-chain trading experience for inscriptions.

$OG Flywheel & Tokenomics

The token economics of Glyph are based on a dual-token system comprising $G and $OG. $G is the liquid platform token that will be available on exchanges and our DEX upon its launch. In contrast, $OG serves as the protocol’s rewards, staking, and profit-sharing token, aligning LPs with the protocol’s long-term success. $OG is a non-transferable token that you can earn through staking to receive protocol profits, participate in governance, or enhance your LP earnings.

The conversion from $G to $OG occurs at a 1:1 ratio, but redeeming $G from $OG requires a certain period. The minimum $OG holding period is 15 days, with a conversion rate of 0.5:1. The maximum holding period for $OG to achieve a 1:1 conversion rate is 180 days.

This system maintains a low circulation of $G, tightly controlling the supply in the market while offering users flexibility and alignment with the protocol’s long-term success.

About Satoshi App

Satoshi App is the world’s top free airdrop and mining platform, uniquely positioned in the cryptocurrency space with a vast community of 11+ million users. We serve as a bridge connecting high-quality blockchain projects with a massive audience, offering users the opportunity to discover and receive token airdrops.

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